RRPF, Patient-Led Listening Session with the FDA

On October 27, 2022, the Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis Foundation (RRPF) held a Patient-Led Listening Session with the FDA (Federal Drug Administration). We are excited to bring to the public our session summary.

The objective of the session was to provide FDA staff with the patient and caregiver perspective on living with recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP). As we approach a major paradigm shift in managing this disease from repeated surgical intervention to medical and systemic therapies, it is important to highlight the outcomes that matter most to patients and caregivers in the RRP community.

From Kim McClellan, RRPF President: “It is my hope that today’s listening session will assist the FDA in making those decisions that impact our community. The patient voice has been missing and to see our voice now being part of what drives progress is more than we could have dreamed of just a few short years ago.”

Please reach out to the RRPF if you have any questions or comments: info@rrpf.org

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