While we breathe, we hope

With our voices united, we can and will work to end the burden of this disease on patients and caregivers. 

Our Mission

The RRPF will work to transform the lives of patients with RRP by advocating for a paradigm shift toward non-surgical options by catalyzing innovation through education, research, and collaboration in addition to promoting HPV prevention.

  • Improve care for patients with RRP
  • Advocate for a non-surgical paradigm shift
  • Convene clinicians and researchers
  • Catalyze new research
  • Strengthen RRP community


With our voices united, we can and will work to end the burden of this disease on patients and caregivers.


What we're doing to help the rRP community

Join the RRP Registry

Join the ongoing research in the CoRDS Study

Kid Zone

(Coming Soon) A place for kids to connect with other kids living with RRP


See the latest articles about RRPF and our community

Facebook Support Group

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RRP Cases Globally
0 +
Avg. Yearly Cost of Treatment
$ 0
Clinical Trials Ongoing
New cases of JORRP in the US yearly (estimated)

With every breath, we're helping rRP patients get
their second wind

Join our fight today.

Keep up to date with rRPF

We work tirelessly to provide the RRP Community with timely and helpful information about trials, treatments and anything else that can help our fight.

Megan’s Story

This disease has had a huge impact on my life and the lives of my parents, my extended family, my friends, and anyone that knows me personally. My journey hasn’t been easy, and it still challenges me every single day.